Bing. Bang. Boom! The Astrology skies for October are jam packed busy with the potential for sweeping changes and relationship drama! We start the month out with a Grand Earth Trine with intellectual Mercury in Virgo, heavy hitting Pluto in Capricorn and change agent Uranus in Taurus.
The industrious Earth signs are flowing effortlessly. This trine will assist you in getting physical things accomplished with ease. Mercury in the practical organized sign of Virgo will help you see what needs to be done, while Pluto in Capricorn gives the strength and strategy to accomplish it. At the same time Uranus in the steady sign of Taurus is offering ingenuity and out of the box thinking to help stabilize and secure tangible resources.
Mercury and Uranus bring in the fast moving energy of ideas and communication, while Pluto brings deep sweeping change. This transit can help you accomplish a tremendous amount with great success, if you are willing to take advantage of it, because it ends Oct 3rd.
Sun will be in Libra until October 22nd putting a spotlight on all things relationship, justice, peace and harmony. Happy Birthday Libra! On the 5th Mercury will join the Sun and Mars in social Libra bringing lots of activity, communication and playfulness. You may find yourself interacting and socializing more with friends and family for various reasons. Some of it for fun and some out of a sense of obligation and duty, as Venus, the ruler of Libra will move into dutiful Virgo.
October 1st-5th Venus in Leo will be squaring off with Uranus in Taurus. This transit can bring up classic arguments over love or money or impulsive attraction. On a positive note, it’s a wonderful energy for artists, musicians and creative of all types as inspiration can be at an all time high.
October 9th Venus moves into practical Virgo, in opposition to Saturn in generous Pisces. With this aspect you may find yourself in conflict with others over money issues yet again. Venus in Virgo can be a bit of a spendthrift, while responsible Saturn struggles to set boundaries in watery Pisces. For some, it may be easy for others to guilt you into spending more than you want to. For others, you may feel guilty spending on non-essential luxury items. No matter what is going on with your finances, remember that compassion, courtesy, compromise and kindness are always free.
Venus is in a lovely sextile with Mars in Libra. Mars in Libra adds to her charisma, charm, negotiation skills and sense of beauty….one more way she can be tempted to spend on pretty things and dining out….
October 1st-15th Mars in Libra will be squaring off with Pluto in Capricorn. This can put quite a strain on relationships as Mars is tired of restrictions and being told what to do. Pluto can bring fears, insecurities and problematic issues to the surface. This can press Mars’ buttons, bringing irritation and anger to the forefront. This is not the time to lose your cool with an authority figure or a loved one. It is a great time to confront problems head-on with fearlessness and tact. Play by the rules, stand up for your rights and act out of integrity. Mars in Libra has a fierce sense of fairness and Pluto wants purge what’s not working. Use this energy wisely.
Jupiter will be retrograde (moving backwards) through the sign of Taurus until Dec 31st. Look for reversals in Taurus and Jupiter themed situations around money, security, self confidence, court judgments, faith, education plans and travel. Things that were not working out may suddenly take a turn for the better. Other things may slow down, giving you the opportunity to examine the situation better and make appropriate changes.
October 15-27th we’ll all enjoy a beautiful trine between Jupiter and Venus in earth signs! These two getting together are a joy indeed as they can bring tangible opportunities for financial gain, new love relationship, and feelings of comfort, joy, security and pleasure.
Pluto sextiles Neptune all this month. Pluto seeks to expose and destroy what is not functioning well. Neptune encourages us to have faith in the process and follow our intuition.
All of this is not to be outdone by the two Eclipses happening this month!
October 14th we have a Solar eclipse at 21 degrees of Libra. This is a powerful eclipse because it will be squaring off with Pluto in Capricorn. Long standing dysfunctional relationships may begin to dissolve at this time. You may find yourself breaking free of restricting people, situations or outdated belief systems that are no longer working for you. The ultimate goal is to find personal balance and peace, though it may take a crisis to get you there!
October 28th we have a Lunar eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus. This will be the last eclipse wrapping up the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle that started in November of 2021. You may see a final ending around situations that involved money and emotional drama around your resources and shared resources.
It appears the stars are encouraging us to better deal with our relationships, our resources and our money. This should come as no surprise as the Sun is cruising through the relationship sign of Libra. Libra’s ruling planet, Venus, also rules money and resources. Use this energy to get your money and your relationships in order.
I’m wishing you all the best with Octobers’ astrological energy. See you in next months blog my astrology friends!