We start off the month of December 2023 with Venus involved in a t-square aspect with Pluto and the Moon. Though short lived, we will feel in nonetheless. We may become acutely aware of not being treated fairly by those in authority positions. The Moon in Leo is prone to emotional outbursts, and Venus in Libra tends to bend over backwards to calm things down with the situation. Pluto in Capricorn has the energy of big government type authority or heavy handed people in decision making positions at home or the workplace.
Relief can be found by looking to the transiting North Node and Chiron the Wounded Healer in the sign of Aries. North Node and Chiron are asking us to swallow our fears and take independent action to defend our personal autonomy. By jumping in to defend others where we can, we help ourselves too. With Mars/Sun conjunction at a challenging angle to the North Node, it can feel like an insurmountable obstacle. Frustrations can run high. Use the negotiating skills of Venus. She is being helped by a trine from Saturn in Pisces for the first 10 days of December. Together they can set healthy boundaries and come up with solutions that are fair for all.
December 4th we have a grand earth trine with Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. Our emotions, communications and confidence will be flowing smoothly. In earth signs we can make tangible improvements, especially with the help of jovial Jupiter involved. Beware of the possibility of being overconfident, one of the downfalls of Jupiter.
Immediately the next day we have another grand earth trine with Moon, Pluto and Uranus. For good or bad, this may bring surprising results from any actions taken the day before!
Mercury will be trine Jupiter for the first 3 weeks of the month. This is a beautiful aspect bringing light hearted fun and pleasure to all those holiday gathering with friends and family!
No sooner does Jupiter leave it’s trine with Mercury, than it enters a Trine with the Sun from the 20th through the month. What a lovely combination for Christmas! That same day the Sun will be in sextile to Saturn. These energies are wonderful for socializing and enjoying yourself. With Saturn involved that may even include the boss you confronted earlier in the month!
By far the biggest story happening in December is that Jupiter will be going direct. Jupiter has been retrograde in the sign of Taurus since September 4th. On December 31st Jupiter will station direct, appearing to grind to a complete halt. Jupiter, the Santa Clause of the zodiac, will be at its most powerful! On that very day it will form another grand earth trine with the Sun and Moon…which is also part of a kite formation with Saturn in Pisces…..Wow!
Anything that’s been feeling stuck will start to move forward with ease! Jupiter will be pouring optimism, luck, justice and fortunate circumstances our way. Saturn will give our efforts longevity. It’s up to us to get off the couch and make our intentions happen while Jupiter is putting the wind in our sails. What a fantastic way to bring in the new year! Woohoo! Happy New Year everyone!