January Astrology 2024

Happy New Year Everyone! January starts out beautifully with Jupiter having popped out of its retrograde in Taurus. Trine the Sun and Sextile Saturn, we can enjoy a nice flow of progress on our projects.


Venus is square to Saturn. Most of us are facing down credit card bills that roll in from our holiday expenditures. Hopefully you didn’t go overboard!

Mars in Sagittarius enters a nice trine with Jupiter on the 3rd. You may feel compelled to act on your inspiration. It would be a good idea to follow those nudges as Jupiter is still sextile Saturn for lasting results! Opportunities to learn or travel may arise that have potential to increase your income or your resources.


Mars is squaring of with Neptune, the planet of illusion, so check all the facts before rushing off. Your belief systems may be challenged at this time. You may find yourself in situations defending your beliefs or encouraging others to find theirs! It’s a great energy for spending time in nature, walks in the woods, meditating; practicing music, art or dance.


On the 5th the Sun trines Uranus, with both being in earth signs Capricorn and Taurus respectively. Uranus is encouraging us to break old routines that have gone stale and boring. What area in your life is overdue for a makeover? It’s time to rebel against the status quo and follow your hearts desire. Uranus brings excitement and innovation if we embrace it. If we fight the energy it can bring sudden unexpected turnarounds. Ultimately it is for our benefit, but at the time it may feel like we are being blasted out of our comfortable routines against our will! If you take action consciously, you will be in control, rather than having the rug pulled out from under you.


On the 11th the Sun forms a t-square with the North and South Nodes of the Moon. With Pluto nearby, this aspect can bring about fated events on the bigger world stage having to do with justice, both for the individual and society as a whole. With Sun square you may feel torn between old structures that are familiar vs adventuring into uncharted territory. With Uranus, the planet of the future trine the Sun, it is helping us to let go of outdated systems and embrace new solutions.


Toward the end of the month Venus will simultaneously trine Jupiter and square Neptune. This is a bit of a tricky energy. It’s easy for Venus to get starry eyed over advanced technologies like AI or crypto coins. With Neptune, there is a chance that we are seeing things with rose colored glasses, or are straight up having the wool pulled over our eyes. On the upside we can see positive changes involving finances and the way we use money. Both Venus and Neptune are sextile Saturn in Pisces. It’s a good time incorporate daily relaxation and/or spiritual techniques like meditation or yoga. When we quiet the mind our intuition becomes more accessible, helping us to see more clearly through the fog of it all.


We finish of the month with a bang. On the 20th Sun and Pluto will come conjunct in Aquarius in a sextile to Neptune in Pisces. The very same Pluto/Sun Conjunction will be square Jupiter in Taurus, the sign of peace and calm.


We may notice the interplay of governmental controls threatening our peace and security, while simultaneously watching authority figures struggle to maintain that control over the masses. 


If you’ve been meditating or practicing anything that quiets the mind you can have profound spiritual and personal insights. Great awakening anyone?


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